Sunday, January 6, 2013

Theory Financial Capability in Doing Loan

Although various attempts have been made to repair the various regulations and rules, but still there are many concerns about the effectiveness of regulations and rules in creating equitable development results by the government. There are three main functions of government in the development of the other functions of the allocation, distribution and stabilization functions, which support each other and maintain and improve the sustainability of development, therefore, the birth of the regional autonomy law is the embodiment of the three functions, which aims to provide funding to local authorities at the same time, to overcome the limitations of the funds needed for the provision of public services (Musgrave and Musgrave,1993:3-15).

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Investment and Growth Theory

The economic development of a region is essentially a series of activities carried out consciously and continuously to achieve a better state simultaneously and continuously. Within that framework, as well as to spur economic development and equitable development results in order to improve the welfare of the people in a fair and equitable manner.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Effect of Government Spending Against Regional Growth

Author: Sri Palupi
Economic Development
Gadjah Mada University

The Role of Government in the Economy

An ideal economy, perfectly competitive setting in which the allocation of resources derived from voluntary exchange of goods and money market rates would result in a maximum quantity of goods and services from all available resources in the economy to the Minister for the Economy. But in the reality of everyday, the market is not always present in his form ideal. In practice, market economy often entwined pollution and monopolization in line with soaring inflation or unemployment, n practice also, the distribution of income in society laissez-faire very uneven. To overcome these weaknesses the government took an important role in the economy. According to Samuelson (1997) outlined the government has three main functions, namely;

Monday, December 31, 2012

Members of the Economic Crisis in Europe

Economic crisis in the European continent after the crisis that hit America. Market participants gave a negative sentiment toward the European continent. The crisis caused by the budget deficits in the European continent is growing and could almost be said to fail to pay. The crisis in the American continent to make the Euro zone economies affected.

Europe's crisis is a crisis caused by budget deficits in several countries in continental Europe. Starting from the Greek government deficit was followed by several other euro zone countries. Opinion growing that Greece is a cause of the economic crisis in. Opinion growing that Greece is a cause of the economic crisis in Europe. According European crisis that began with the Ireland According European crisis that began with the Ireland. Ireland developed country and has the government's budget is financed by debt. Budget which is owned by the Irish government as loan debt comes from loans "subprime mortgage", when the housing market experienced a saturation point it directly affected the Ireland. To cover the government debt, the bank cannot provide a new debt.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Development of the Country's GDP and Inflation in Post-Crisis East Asia Pacific Economic Asia, Europe and America

There are some interesting lessons about the financial crisis in East Asia Pacific. Before the financial crisis that hit East Asia Pacific, East Asia Pacific region is one of the most have a great potential of the economy. Southeast Asia (Indonesia) has a nickname as the "Asian Tigers" before the crisis came the East Asia Pacific region. The crisis that struck in 1997 has killed the economy of East Asia Pacific region itself (Southeast Asia). Many companies are experiencing financial difficulties due to the closure and the wave of rising unemployment in Southeast Asia. The decline of the East Asia crisis Pacific continue to improve. Build a system that has been damaged due to the financial crisis to economic crisis in the European Union and the United States.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Efficiency and Effectiveness of Financial Management System

In a country with vast areas requires a system of good governance. The system is highly required at least by two things: one as a tool to implement a variety of public service in various areas, both as a tool for local communities to participate actively in determine the direction and how to develop their own standard of living in harmony with the opportunities and challenges faced in the corridors of national interest.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fatwa on Islamic Capital Market

The Law on sharia-based capital market in Indonesia has been passed by the Parliament and the Government in 2008, but the Islamic capital market in Indonesia has been running for eleven years. Beginning from the Southeast Asia financial crisis in 1997, capital market in Indonesia for the first time based syaria was launched on July 3, 1997 by Islamic Mutual Funds issued for the first time by PT. Danareksa Investment Management. (Read My Posts on; History of Islamic Capital Market in Indonesia).