Saturday, December 22, 2012

2008 Islamic Bank Rules

There are a number of Bank Indonesia in 2008, to enhance existing Islamic banking activities. In the table below have been issued by the bank PBI Indonesia Indonesian banks as policy makers.

                                                  Table 1
                                      2008 Islamic Bank Rules

PBI of Number
30 January 10/1/PBI/2008 On Amendment PBI No. 8/5/PBI/2008 about of Banking Mediation
22 February 10/9/PBI/2008 On Amendment of Business General Bank be a BPR license in order to consolidate
28 February 10/10/PBI/2008 On Amendment PBI No. 7/7/PBI/2005 about of resolution of complaints about problems
25 September 10/16/PBI/2008 On Amendment PBI No. 9/19/PBI/2007 About of Implementation Sharia of found and   distribution found and  services of Islamic Bank within activity
25 September 10/18/PBI/2008 financing restructuring about of Islamic bank and activity of Shariah unit.
16 October 10/23/PBI/2008 Second of amendment PBI No. 6/21/PBI/2004 about of statutory reserves in exchange rate of several bang which implementation activity the shariah principle  
16 October 10/24/PBI/2008 On Amendment PBI No. 8/21/PBI/2006 About of asset equality valuation in several bank which business activity implementation in shariah principle
20 November 10/32/PBI/2008h About of Shariah committee in Shariah
10 December 10/36/PBI/2008 About of Shariah Monetary in Operation
Source: Indonesia Bank

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